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Coronavirus Crisis – A message from the CMC Chair

It goes without saying that we currently find ourselves in extremely difficult times with unwelcome constraints, both personally and professionally. The mediation community is no exception.

The current restrictions on movement and face-to-face communication present considerable challenges for the mediation sector. However, the need for mediation has not gone away and indeed it is an obvious, but perhaps regrettable, observation that the present situation could result in a greater demand for the help that mediators can bring. Established mediators have already started adapting their normal working arrangements to offer online mediation where practicable. The CMC has now produced some guidance for its members on online mediation which we hope may be of assistance.

The CMC’s Registration & Standards Committee is currently considering a range of measures to help members temporarily to navigate the current crisis without sacrificing the professional standards on which the CMC’s reputation rests. These temporary measures will be circulated very shortly. The CMC itself is continuing to function as normal and its dispersed structure, with professional staff and Board members working from home, has enabled it to continue operating with the minimum of disruption. We are taking the optimistic route of continuing to plan for the Annual Conference in November (following the huge success of last year’s Conference) although plainly we will have to keep this and any other plans under review.

One plan that has not changed is the desire to improve the CMC’s communications strategy through the appointment of some marketing consultants (CharityBod Ltd) familiar with the way charities operate. Our online and social media profile should increase over the next few months both in terms of keeping members up-to-date with developments and raising the public profile of mediation generally.

Meanwhile, on a personal level, may I express the hope that you all retain good health and that you can find a way of maintaining your mediation profile and activity over the next few months.

Yours sincerely,
David Foskett

Sir David Foskett
Chair CMC

April 1, 2020

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